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Preventing Summer Pests in Denver

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer pests, ant control, mosquito tips

Summer Pests in Denver

Summer in Denver, Colorado, is a season of warmth and outdoor activities. However, it also brings a surge in pest activity. As temperatures rise, common pests such as ants and mosquitoes become more prevalent, posing challenges to homeowners and businesses alike. This article will explore effective strategies to keep these pests at bay, ensuring a pest-free and enjoyable summer.


Understanding the Common Summer Pests


Ants are ubiquitous in Denver during the summer. They are attracted to food and water sources, making kitchens and pantries prime targets. There are several species of ants commonly found in the area, including carpenter ants, odorous house ants, and pavement ants. Each species has unique behaviors and nesting habits, which influence the control methods needed to manage them effectively.

Carpenter ants, for instance, are known for their ability to cause structural damage as they burrow into wood to create their nests. Odorous house ants, on the other hand, are notorious for their persistent foraging habits and their unpleasant smell when crushed. Pavement ants typically nest outdoors but can invade homes in search of food.


Mosquitoes are another significant summer pest in Denver. They breed in standing water and are known for their itchy bites and potential to transmit diseases such as West Nile virus. The most common mosquito species in Denver include the Culex tarsalis and Aedes vexans. Effective mosquito control requires eliminating breeding sites and employing protective measures to reduce bites.


Effective Ant Control Strategies

Keep a Clean Environment

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial in preventing ant infestations. Regularly clean kitchen counters, floors, and dining areas to remove food residues that attract ants. Store food in airtight containers and promptly clean up spills. This practice minimizes the availability of food sources for ants, making your home less appealing to them.

Seal Entry Points

Ants often enter homes through small cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors. Inspect your home for potential entry points and seal them with caulk or weather stripping. Pay special attention to areas around plumbing and electrical penetrations, as these are common entry points for ants.

Use Natural Repellents

Several natural repellents can deter ants. Essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and lemon eucalyptus have strong scents that ants find unpleasant. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray it around entry points and areas where ants are commonly seen. Additionally, placing bay leaves or cloves in pantry shelves can help repel ants.

Professional Pest Control

If ant infestations persist despite your efforts, consider seeking professional pest control services. Pest control specialists can accurately identify the ant species and implement targeted treatments to eliminate them. Professional treatments may include baiting systems, insecticide applications, and preventative measures to ensure long-term control.


Effective Mosquito Control Strategies

Eliminate Standing Water

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so it is essential to eliminate any sources of stagnant water around your property. Regularly check and empty bird baths, flower pots, gutters, and other containers that can collect water. Ensuring proper drainage in your yard can also prevent water from pooling.

Use Mosquito Repellents

When spending time outdoors, use mosquito repellents to protect yourself from bites. DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus are effective active ingredients found in many repellents. Apply repellent to exposed skin and clothing, following the product instructions for safe use.

Install Screens

Installing screens on windows and doors can prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Ensure that screens are in good condition and free of holes. This simple measure can significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes indoors.

Mosquito-Repellent Plants

Certain plants have natural mosquito-repellent properties. Consider planting marigolds, lavender, citronella, and basil around your yard. These plants can help deter mosquitoes while adding beauty to your outdoor spaces.

Professional Mosquito Control

For severe mosquito infestations, professional mosquito control services can provide comprehensive solutions. Pest control specialists can apply larvicides to breeding sites and adulticides to areas with high mosquito activity. These treatments can significantly reduce mosquito populations and provide long-lasting relief.


First-Hand Experience

Living in Denver, I’ve faced my fair share of summer pest challenges. One particularly memorable summer, my backyard became a haven for mosquitoes, making outdoor activities unbearable. After researching and implementing several control measures, I found that a combination of eliminating standing water and using mosquito repellents worked wonders. Additionally, planting lavender and citronella around the yard added a pleasant fragrance while keeping mosquitoes at bay. This experience reinforced the importance of proactive pest control and the effectiveness of integrated strategies.


Additional Tips for Preventing Summer Pests

Regular Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your property to identify potential pest issues early. Look for signs of ant trails, nests, and standing water. Early detection can prevent minor issues from escalating into major infestations.

Educate Your Family

Educate your family about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and practicing good hygiene. Encourage everyone to promptly clean up spills, store food properly, and use repellents when necessary.

Use Yellow Bug Lights

Replacing standard outdoor lights with yellow bug lights can reduce the attraction of insects, including mosquitoes. These lights are less appealing to pests and can help keep them away from entry points.

Keep Vegetation Trimmed

Keep your yard well-maintained by trimming bushes, shrubs, and grass regularly. Overgrown vegetation can provide hiding spots for pests and create a humid environment conducive to mosquito breeding.


Preventing summer pests in Denver requires a multifaceted approach. By maintaining a clean environment, sealing entry points, using natural repellents, and seeking professional pest control when needed, you can effectively manage ant infestations. For mosquito control, eliminating standing water, using repellents, installing screens, and incorporating mosquito-repellent plants are essential strategies. Regular inspections, family education, and proactive measures can further enhance your pest prevention efforts.

For comprehensive pest control services tailored to your needs, contact Animal & Pest Control Specialists. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing effective solutions to keep your home and yard pest-free. Enjoy a pest-free summer and make the most of Denver’s beautiful outdoors without the nuisance of ants and mosquitoes.

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